Marvel Fanon
This article, Fin Fang Foom (Earth-61615), is property of MarvelousMarty.
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Real Name
Fin Fang Foom
He Whose Limbs Shatter Mountains and Whose Back Scrapes the Sun, Creepy Crawler, Ancient Chinese Crytid, Project S.E.R.P.E.N.T., The Serpent, Reptoid, Chitauri Dragon, Great Protector of the Seven Cities, Kakarantharnia, Dragon Chef



Seven Capital Cities of Heaven: Immortal Weapons; formerly Shang-Chi, Xialing, Iron Fist, Iron Man (saviors, situational allies), Mandarin (formerly; unwillingly)

S.H.I.E.L.D. (caretakers): Wu Pong (main caretaker; deceased);
Unnamed K'un-Zi Dragon (mate; deceased), numerous offsprings


Base Of Operations
Mobile across Seven Capital Cities of Heaven and the Savage Land






Unusual Features
Resembling a humanoid dragon, Fin Fang Foom possesses golden scales, wings, an elongated neck, clawed hands, feet and a tail, scaly skin, fangs


Marital Status

Adventurer, great protector of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven, granter of the Immortal Iron Fist, hunter, chef


Genetically-engineered Makluan; Foom was a dragon who was initially buried while still an embryo, only to be rescued and resuscitated by S.H.I.E.L.D. for their research purposes; thus, making Foom a Makluan who was hatched and born as a genetic hybrid of several genetically-altered reptiles and Chitauri's gene mixed with the Leviathan gene

Place of Birth
Mount Kailash, Burang County, Tibet Autonomous Region, China

First appearance

Modern Comics: S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 2 128


Quote1 Vermin! I shall roast you like a tasty pig in a hot barbecue grill! Quote2
Fin Fang Foom

A Mythlike Origin

The Makluans, more commonly known as dragons, were intelligent flying and shapeshifting reptilians of extraterrestrial origin that once lived in the Earthly dimension, with the ability to fly and flourish freely in the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven and even beyond it, hidden city states spread across the world, as every 88 years the cities would merge into one creating the Heart of Heaven. Unfortunately, as time passed, the civilized world that was slowly being modernized has rendered the creatures' existence to mere myth and legends as most of them were driven into extinction, most notably in the Middle Ages of man, and were forced to live out the next of their days within one of the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven almost every 88 years of their choosing, only capable of reuniting with heir fellow dragon brethren and sistren during the Heart of Heaven's formation.

By modern day, only a few living people were aware of the true existence of dragon and their slow erasure from ancient history. For one, even S.H.I.E.L.D. scientist Doctor Wu Pong became enlightened with such mythlike tales as he was raised and taught in an eastern belief-oriented family through his late grandfather and his parents before him, and upon witnessing the unexpected introduction of extraterrestrial creatures such as the Chitauri and the Leviathan during the Battle of New York, he knew that there was a grain of truth in his grandfather's words when the latter has found the last of the living dragons of the visible world in the lost Valley of Spirits in China when he and his team were in an archaeological expedition to discover what appears to be egg-like structure with supposedly extraterrestrial roots inside a cave in Mount Kailash, located in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.

Having retrieved it for his division to study the structure, the doctor was awestruck to find a living embryo inside it, confirming his theory, especially when the structure was carbon-dated to be at least more than tens of thousands of years old, with the years aligning approximately at the end of the Middle Ages. Furthermore, upon finding some of the embryo's genetic composition were elements that were considered undiscovered and/or extraterrestrial, Wu Pong would later come to a realization that this surviving unborn creature could hold the key in discovering more of its kind. However, the embryo within was in a catatonic state, neither dead nor completely alive to be developing, driving Wu Pong's main objective to bring this creature to life through a series of experiments.

Birth of Fin Fang Foom

With their experiment taking place on a highly-secured S.H.I.E.L.D. facility in Brooklyn, the experiment Wu Pong had initiated for months involved the scientist and his team using the DNAs of several genetically-altered reptiles and Chitauri's gene mixed with the Leviathan gene, for "researching purposes" on studying and experimenting Chitauri biology, the embryo inside the egg would continue to fully develop until it hatched, revealing a draconic creature, with the scientists not realizing it was its truest form. After seeing the "mistake" that they've made, they decided to report their actions to the superiors of the organization but one of them, out of the fear of losing his job as S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists and being sent to the authorities for considering their results to be unethical, decided to keep it in an unused private Leviathan cell located near their laboratory, feeding, taming, and raising the mysterious creature that they've just created, but at some point he started abusing the subject in order to get him well-fed, causing for the creature to start hating his own creators as he felt restrained overtime.

Doctor Wu Pong, who was initially afraid of losing his profession but was willing to raise the creature, was the only one who was amazed and feeling proud in his magnificent creation, and due to his appearance similar to those of a mythical dragon's his ancestors had often told him in legendary tales, thus naming the subject Fin Fang Foom, that translates "He Whose Limbs Shatter Mountains and Whose Back Scrapes the Sun" in the English language. In over two months, it rapidly grew into a massive size (almost the size of a fully-grown elephant) though it still fit inside the cell, but the scientists were starting to get concerned, thinking that this creature could escape the cell soon and rampage outside the laboratory as well as either devouring or burning everyone it sees into flames, thinking that they might have created a living biological weapon, though Wu Pong believed otherwise.

Escape From S.H.I.E.L.D.

As a decision of the majority, they decided to exterminate the creature, the same scientist who raised him quickly went into the creature's cell and disabled its security mainframe, unlocking the cell to let the creature out and prove that it is still tamable. The scientist let the creature out, alerting the other scientists to call the security, and just when they showed up, the scientist seemed to have tamed the enormous dragon-like beast. The scientists was starting to get relieved but the guards still told him that they should come with them for questioning about the "destructive bio-weapon" that they've created.

Before Wu Pong could explain his reasons to the agents and his superiors, Fin Fang Foom's red eyes went darker and started growling, signaling his extreme feeling of hunger and devours his own creator and burns some of the guards before getting out of the room through the laboratory, destroying several structures in the building and caused for everyone else who survived to panic and run away from the dragon, triggering the alarm, causing massive panic and destruction throughout the whole facility.

Foom manages to escape the facility in the midst of his rampage and made it flying through the skies of New York until he was shot down by agent Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie who followed his tracks using the Night-Night Gun, crashing into the newly-reconstructed Brooklyn Bridge, months after it was destroyed during the starting events of Ultimate War and weeks after Civil War has ended.

Rampaging Through Brooklyn

Fin Fang Foom Earth-61615

The rampaging Fin Fang Foom faces Iron Man

After crashing into the Brooklyn Bridge, he went unconscious and his body was approached by soldiers who were guarding the newly-reconstructed bridge. The commanding soldier decided him and his men to shoot the creature on sight while they still can. Mack tried to confront and stop the commander and his men from shooting but it was too late, the soldiers continuously shot the unconscious Foom, but his skin was too thick and durable due to his physiology and the metallic skin he got from the Chitauri and Leviathan gene. The dragon suddenly woke up and went berserk, smashing the commander and the most of his men before diving into the depths of the water, escaping capture before more S.H.I.E.L.D. operatives have arrived to investigate the scene. Little that they know, that Foom was heading straight into the larger city of California, finding more creatures to feast on and satisfy his extreme appetite and hunger.

As the monstrous dragon lands at the shores of Manhattan Beach, it caused nothing but panic and chaos towards everyone that immediately have gotten the attention of Tony Stark himself, who was actually in vacation at the time back in his mansion, in Malibu. Stark then suited up his Iron Man suit and arrives at the scene to intervene the raging Foom. They fought and fought for a few hours in the beach to prevent Foom from getting into the city, but eventually the dragon got tired and manages to brutally destroy all of Tony's back-up suits that he used as an assistance during their battle and even injured Tony himself after coincidentally throwing him back into his own mansion, before going straight into the city to cause large terror and the hunt for his feast.

Thankfully, S.H.I.E.L.D., led of course by Phil Coulson manages to arrive in time with the newly-specialized serum recently developed by Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons in order to take down the serpent and have it imprisoned once again, since killing it would be very risky after all. Tony Stark then thanked S.H.I.E.L.D. for saving the day from the Dragon's clutches, advising the authorities to have it remain its custody on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s hands, in order to understand it more instead of just examining and experimenting on it, some kind of a tortured lab rat.

In later events, it was frequently shown that Fin Fang Foom has continuously been given a proper treatment as a living creature, as its current tamers and trainers have started training Foom in combat and self-defense inside his recently-modified enclosure. At first, several heroes might have thought of this as a method of empowering a biological weapon so S.H.I.E.L.D. could have its hands on the sacred creature through enslaving it, this was then proven to be false, later on after Curtis Connors finally questioned their truest intentions on Foom.

In response to this suspicions, Coulson corrected their misunderstandings, implying that S.H.I.E.L.D. did this as an act of raising a normal living, but quite dangerous organism. They had it under control, and were only doing the best that they could to keep Foom satisfied in his enclosed cell. Ridiculous as it sounds, Foom eventually appreciated this treatment, since he was finally been given a proper enclosure similar that extremely suits his suitable and comfortable habitat. On his time being taken care of the organization, he started to have a friendly bond with both his closest trainers, Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons, seeing them as the creature's most trustworthy allies inside the facility.

Soaring Towards Freedom

Enclosure Escapade

However, all the efforts and all the endeavors that S.H.I.E.L.D. had to offer Foom in keeping him safe and comfortable in his enclosure, eventually came to an end, as tragedies struck at the worst time. At some point during Dark Reign, the very S.H.I.E.L.D. facility where Foom was enclosed in was suddenly raided by the Mandarin and his unstoppable forces of Ten Rings enforcers. As they rapidly racked the whole entire place into ruins, they also managed freeing all of the facility's prisoners in the process, including Foom.

Surprisingly, Foom was the only prisoner inside the facility who never had the slightest thoughts or intentions of escaping the prison with the others, but instead of it, he attempted defending the facility from the Mandarin as the villain searches for the secret elements into perfecting his conducted experiments, such as his cloning recipe and the final ingredients in creating a more lethal dose of the Legacy Virus. Foom stomped and scorched every hostile soldier that he could, until he was eventually taken down by the Mandarin, after he failed trying to take the main villain down by himself.

Into the Unknown

Defeated and temporarily paralyzed by the Mandarin, the creature had no other choice but to cry a mighty and powerful roar at the Mandarin. The roar was so loud and powerful, it manages to be heard by many across miles away. His shriek even killed the forces, however the villain himself remained untouched by the creature's powerful ability. Following the creature's defeat, the Mandarin placed his palm on the creature's forehead, where he entered his state of mind in order to communicate with Foom. Foom tried to resist the Mandarin's Ten Rings but immediately failed, where the terrorist tried to convince Foom that he is already free from S.H.I.E.L.D,'s abusive clutches.

Foom was confused on why the Mandarin would think that S.H.I.E.L.D. was an abusive group for such delicate creature, where he continued defending them from the Mandarin, pointing out that villains like him are the true abusive ones. Mandarin ridicules Foom, as he had begged to differ by projecting the visions in Foom's mind during the days of the actual truth, where Foom eventually knew, that the very purpose S.H.I.E.L.D. told him, was a big lie all along. Realizing that Foom's original purpose of existence was just an experimented weapon all long, Foom enrages once more as the creature, unusually, breaks down in tears, after realizing that he was living a lie.

By the time Fitz and Simmons and their team had arrived in the area, they immediately tried to attack the lord, but as usual, he immediately escaped the scene after he finally took the specific ingredients that he needed. Following the aftermath of the destruction of the facility, Fitz and Simmons ran at a lying Foom to make sure if he's okay. However, unbeknownst to them, Foom unexpected rises up and roars at them with fury, after finally knowing the truth about his existence. Foom argued with the both of them telepathically about what the Mandarin revealed to him, where they tried to tearfully explain everything else that the Mandarin haven't told him yet, until it was too late.

Spreading his massive wings from his back, a disheartened and furious Foom flies off away from his most trusted allies, where he eventually disappeared from their sight during that very moment. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s operatives tried to continue their search for Foom's whereabouts, but they just couldn't find any traces of where he went. Unknown to them, Foom eventually found his way into Antarctica, where he eventually finds his way entering the exact portal that led him to enter Earth's lost paradise, the mysterious Savage Land. There, comes the arrival of what's about to come next in Foom's life as he starts a new journey in his life, a journey of his own. However, unbeknownst to Foom, his freedom was without reason nor consequence as the Mandarin had freed him for a purpose.

The Great Protector

Mandarin 61615

As the Great Protector of K'un-Zi, Fin Fang Foom faces the great invader of his new home: the Mandarin

For the next few years, Foom became a widely-accepted resident of the Savage Land, being acknowledged by its ruler Ka-Zar as a godly, divine-like creature of mythological origin, questioning its origins of being created at a S.H.I.E.L.D. lab into that very form by mere random chance. Frequently wandering each and every crevice of the land, the dragon somehow accessed an interdimensional gateway in the core caverns of the Savage Land, finding his way into the pocket dimension which contains the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven, wherein Foom had discovered another civilized world enveloped with undiscovered wonders, sensing the mystical chi energy flow through his veins as the creature feels renewed, as if it's ascending into a more highly evolved form, as if he's fulfilling his own destiny.

Foom had encountered other dragons of different species, and while he was initially treated as an alien due to his unorthodox nature and unexpected arrival, Foom would show and prove his worth to the rest when he protected them from a tyrannical alpha dragon. Foom had bested the dragon in battle as the former had learned to utilize his inner chi for the first time and convert it through his flames. Days after his tale, the humanoid residents of the cities had began revering Foom as a "Great Protector", being the latest one in ages, and some would even dedicate their lives into worshipping them out of grace and gratitude for the way he defends their home with no demand in return. His presence even gained the respect and camaraderie of one great Shou-Lao the Undying of K'un-Lun, the powerful dragon which grants the power of the Immortal Iron Fist for countless of centuries. Surprisingly enough, while Foom does appreciate his fellow residents' offering, he only wanted a home which accepts him, something that he has achieved now that he resides at the flourishing forests near the Capital City of K'un-Zi, home of the Crane Mother, wherein he could shapeshift into a smaller more humanoid-like form, just like his fellow dragons, and revert back if they wish.

Immortal Weapons

However, when the Mandarin had learned the abundance of chi, the latter was able to track down the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven through Foom, revealing that the Mandarin had been keeping tabs on the Makluan through his tech ever since he set him free, an action which broke and ended the 88-year tradition of the Heart of Heaven formation with his arrival. The Mandarin slaughtered countless of lives and ravaged most of the Seven Capital Cities, including some of Foom's fellow dragons, including the supposed undying Shou-Lao which was considerably more powerful than Foom, and even his mate his disheartened the Great Protector since his offsprings had lost their mother. In the ensuing chaos, Foom was left for dead after being controlled by the Mandarin with Makluan tech to wreak more havoc and beaten to a pulp by the villain when Foom had enough willpower to fight his coercion.

Thankfully, the dying dragon was saved in time by the joint forces founded by various Immortal Weapons such as the Iron Fist along with Shang-Chi and Xialing, the Mandarin's son and daughter, as well as the surviving protectors of the mystical cities who swore vengeance on the warmonger for what he did to their homes in his final pursuit for power. In the final moments of the Mandarin, he faced the heroes which they learned to kill the power-hungry monster who was once their father, something which Shang-Chi saw as putting their father's deranged spirit to rest by letting pushing the dying Wenwu into the fiery mouth of an enraged and vengeful Fin Fang Foom, disintegrating the once invulnerable villain into ashes, avenging the hundreds of lives which the Mandarin had claimed in his final quest for power and his crooked vision of "peace". In the aftermath of the Mandarin's fall, Fin Fang Foom was declared the successor of becoming the living embodiment and source which grants the Immortal Iron Fist their enhanced powers and abilities, with Shang-Chi being the first being whom Foom bestowed the power to augment his own chi out to gratitude upon saving his life and defeating the Mandarin.

Powers and Abilities


Chi-Enhanced Makluan Genealogy: Foom was a dragon, possessing various superhuman attributes common from the Chitauri and from several genetically-altered reptiles and other creatures (Chitauri/Leviathan/Reptilian) experimented by S.H.I.E.L.D., turning him into a sentient dragon-like creature. Foom has the ability to speak both Chitauri and human language, but can only communicate it through his ability of telepathy, a power he gained from the DNA of a genetically-altered lizard who had given the same powers due to genetic experimentation. Upon his later encounter with the Mandarin, journey into the Savage Land and the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven, Fin Fang Foom's genes and appearance were described to bear a same striking resemblance of a legendary and mythological extraterrestrial dragon race, the Makluans, indicating that his creator Wu Pong was familiar with its ancient tales through his ancestors. After the timely death of Shou-Lao, Foom was bestowed the former's powers and can now grant the powers of the Iron Fist to its defeater who has to punch his molten heart. From that point, they can summon the Iron Fist by harnessing their chi, and augment their physical and mental capabilities.

  • Superhuman Strength
  • Superhuman Speed
  • Superhuman Stamina
  • Superhuman Durability
  • Superhuman Agility
  • Superhuman Reflexes
  • Shapeshifting
  • Biological Immortality
    • Superhuman Longevity
    • Regenerative Healing Factor
  • Wings
    • Flight
  • Telepathy
    • Zoopathy
  • Sonic Scream
  • Acid Mist
  • Camouflage Capabilities
  • Chi Manipulation
    • Energy Absorption
    • Heightened Awareness
    • Empathy
    • Enhanced Healing
    • Power Bestowal
    • Environmental Adaptation

Power Grid [1]
Energy Projection
Fighting Skills


  • Genetic Memory on Chitauri Technology
  • Growing Knowledge on Human Technology
  • Expert Tracker and Navigator
  • Master Combatant
  • Expert Chef

Strength level

Class 55+


  • Night-Night Gun (formerly) : Foom is extremely vulnerable to a Specialized Serum created by Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons. This serum is capable of quickly putting Foom to sleep for extremely long periods of time, perhaps indefinitely, as long as it remains in his general vicinity. As the mighty successor of Shou-Lao the Undying in becoming an Immortal Weapon, such fluids are no longer a weakness to the more evolved and ascended Fin Fang Foom.


Equipment: None known.

  • Flight

Weapons: None known.


  • No special notes.
  1. Modern Comics: S.H.I.E.L.D. Vol 1 130


  • Only in the realms within the Seven Capital Cities of Heaven can Fin Fang Foom and his fellow Makluans could completely harness their chi and shapeshift from their true dragon-like appearance into any other smaller lifeform of their choosing, most favorably a humanoid-like appearance to harmonize with its other residents, a decision greatly respected by the latter.

See Also

  • Appearances of Fin Fang Foom (Earth-61615)
  • Character Gallery: Fin Fang Foom (Earth-61615)
  • Quotations by Fin Fang Foom (Earth-61615)

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Links and References

  • None.
