Marvel Fanon
Carol Danvers (Earth-1610) from Ultimate Comics Ultimates Vol 1 18

The woman known as Carol Danvers is a a high-ranking pilot in SHIELD. She works with Clay Quartermain, often helping out superteams such as Avengers and the Thunderbolts, helping the members who can't fly to get around, but just as often finds herself fighting on the ground. She is currently dating physicist Dr. Philip Lawson, who she would later discover to actually be the alien known as Captain Mar-Vell.

Powers & Abilities[]

  • Expert Combatant - She is extremely well trained trained in many forms of combat from all over the world.
  • Expert Marksman -  She is an expert in armed-combat and can handle a gun with great ease.
  • Master Pilot - She is an expert pilot and has been doing it for many years, there is almost nothing that she can't fly.